Exploring Solutive Intervention and Alternative Policy toward Local Demographic Problems

Menggali Intervensi Solutif dan Alternatif Kebijakan terhadap Problem Demografi Lokal

  • Amir Dedoe Departmen Sociology, Universitas Bangka Belitung
Keywords: Divorce, Married Young, Social Impact, Solutive Policy


This article intends to conduct a critical study as well as to elaborate empirically related issues and social impacts of early marriage and divorce trends in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This study departs from empirical facts that show the high trends of early marriage and divorce that are closely interrelated in recent years. The method used is the study of literature, as well as a review of documents related to relevant studies concerning the impact and problems of early marriage and divorce. This study found that several factors that triggered early marriage and divorce were the local economic landscape which in the last few years was so dependent on the tin extractive industry, and also the problem of post-mining economic transition which also triggered the high trends of early marriage and divorce in Bangka Belitung. Both of these paradoxes have a very strong relationship so that it correlates with the impact and social vulnerability faced by early marriage couples, and also who decide divorce. This condition in turn also affects the capacity, quality, and harmonization of early and divorced marriage couples. Furthermore, other conditions of vulnerability faced by those who engage in early marriage and decide to divorce, even though they are casuistic in nature, often also experience domestic violence, as well as the economic fate of relatively weak and unstable families.


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How to Cite
Dedoe, A. (2020). Exploring Solutive Intervention and Alternative Policy toward Local Demographic Problems. Journal of Political Issues, 2(1), 47-57. https://doi.org/10.33019/jpi.v2i1.20